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WFH-- Adjusting to the New Set-up

Writer's picture: Marc PrimoMarc Primo

This is an article “WFH-- Adjusting to the New Set-up” by Marc Primo

One thing the COVID-19 pandemic brought to the table for most entrepreneurs is the possibility of telecommuting. So much so that the coined term ‘work from home’ (WFH) has suddenly become a by-word for many professionals all around the world. While the prospects seem promising, it’s unfortunate that this new work set-up came about into the mainstream associated with such an ominous global concern. And it’s no surprise that many are still struggling to adjust, especially with bouts of cabin fever being prevalent nowadays.

WFH is not a new concept for many startup and digital nomads out there. For those who have transitioned to telecommuting after toiling for years inside office cubicles, there are indeed a few challenges but the overall prospects are far greater once you’ve become accustomed to the set-up.

To help you with your work life, here are two important insights you may want to check out.

You’ll need self-discipline

In every digital nomad’s former corporate life, waking up early in the morning and facing the rush hour are just some of the challenging aspects of the daily grind which can be simply overcome by discipline. Working from home also employs the same kind of discipline, though for a much different set of challenges. Arranging a regular schedule and not taking advantage of your flexibility is one way to go about fostering a healthy daily practice. By simply jotting down your work schedule from when you brew that fresh cup of coffee, to when you go down to business uninterrupted, to taking well-deserved breaks AFK, having the right mindset to observe daily work hours is as important in your WFH set-up as it was when you were holding a desk job. Your remote colleagues should be able to contact you when they need to and you should tick-off items in your daily checklist to stay productive.

Of course, there are certain perks you can integrate in your WFH life. Businesses who use time-trackers and set daily work reporting to eight hours a day can give you more time to manage your schedule. They can allow you to make a quick run to the market or do some errands during the middle of the day, as long as you complete your 8-hour shift. The important thing though is to observe proper work etiquette and observe the arranged online time you gave your employer.

Deadline-based freelancers may have it better, as they only have to submit deliverables on time and not worry about hourly reporting. Regardless of what schedule you’re trying to keep pace with, have the proper discipline to meet your deadlines on time, and open your line so that your colleagues can always reach you when necessary.

Solitude is a real thing

There’s no denying that at times, loneliness can slowly creep in and amplify you cabin fever. Being stuck at home can sometimes alienate you from the outside world and we all know that people need to socialize and interact in order to thrive. However, there’s a simple fix for that called co-working. When you think that your WFH set-up is becoming unpleasant, you can sign-up for any of the many co-working spaces out there where you can meet and collaborate with other professionals and, in turn, learn new things that can help you with your own expertise.

Given that a co-working arrangement may not be the best option these days with everyone being encouraged to practice social distancing, you may want to reach out digitally to friends and family and catch-up online in the meantime.

Other alternatives include signing up for online classes or communities that can entertain you or strengthen your active networks, all from the comfort of your home.

Going social online is the next best thing to having face-to-face interactions right now and it definitely helps ease your cabin fever. Try downloading WhatsApp, Facebook, or any other social media app where you can find your friends and family engaging in and start video calls or group chats. After all, the idea of being a digital nomad is to stay connected rather than give in to loneliness and solitude.


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